Sunday, May 16, 2010

Changing Time Signatures

Great day to everyone! Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Today is going to be a little different than normal.(Like normal has ever been like me anyway!) The title of this blog is definitely music related but the content is going to be more metaphoric in application.

Changing time signatures in a song is often used to change the feel of a song or to introduce a new theme in the composition. I realized in April of 2009, that my life was in the 4/4 time signature. I would get up, make coffee, get the kids dressed, take them to school, go to work, come home...and the next day start all over again. Most people are in this type of rhythm with their lives. My time signature was begging me to change. I started to investigate becoming a coach for Beachbody, the company that makes P90X and Insanity. So for a cool $39.95, I became a coach, which is still the same amount today. What I did not realize is how big the company vision was and how quickly this company is going to grow, even in a terrible economy. I've never regretted it. Watch this presentation. It says it all.

If you made it all the way through the 25 minute presentation, hopefully you know more about the company I work for. But more than that, maybe you are hearing that you are stuck in 4/4 time! If you want the music to take a turn or the feel of your life's song to change, find out what it's like to be a coach with me. I'm having a blast helping others get in the best shape of their lives and making money doing it! Join me!

To your health,

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